Wooden Pallet For Barrels (1140 Х 1140)

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Wooden Pallet For Barrels (1140 Х 1140)

Below are the dimensions of wooden pallets for transporting metal drums. Such a wooden pallet for barrels has the following dimensions:

  • Length: 1140 mm
  • Width: 1140 mm
  • Height: 130-146mm
  • Approximate load: 1500 – 3000 kg

Such pallets are often used to carry metal drums filled with liquid or gas. In some cases, pallets of a different size are used to transport drums, which we also have in stock.

To clarify which pallets are right for you, you need to understand the shape of metal barrels, as they can be different.

As previously stated, these pallets can be used to transport and store various types of drums. Wooden pallets are ideal for this purpose. Since such structures are made of natural wood, they are environmentally friendly and comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards. This makes them the best option for storing metal barrels.

For our company, the sale of pallets is one of the main activities. We have been analyzing for a long time what sizes of pallets are most in demand in this industry and as a result we are ready to offer the most popular options and the best prices for them.

If you are interested in other sizes of drum pallets, you can contact us to clarify your preferences and we will put forward several other options with other shapes and sizes. We remind you that our warehouse is located in Riga, and for orders in large volumes, we offer free delivery in Riga.